Thursday, August 17, 2006

great grape: angeline pinot noir

i used to overcompensate for being self-conscious in social situations. to make my mark, i would try to assert my ability to hold my own by ordering bad-ass drinks like makers on the rocks and smoking cigars with all the boys. that would actually apply to wines too... only the biggest, spiciest, heftiest reds imaginable will do. after too many sick/fuzzy evenings and too much drambouie (neat) i have finally come to a place where i know that i am a bad-ass and i don't have to really flaunt it. it's just there, and true, and neat. now i know that subtlety is a gift, a makers mark should be shaken not stirred (no fruit in my manhattan, though, thank you very much), drambouie should just stay on the shelf (chilled irish mist trumps) and pinot noir is not just lame, watered down merlot.

i'm not going to reinvent the wheel by rehashing what the website says this wine tastes like... i'll just say it is delicious, and it's on the by-the-glass menu at tarbell's. and it's not wimpy or self-conscious. don't call it 'noir' for nothing....

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